Owners of Android-devices for storing and transferring contacts often use the appropriate service from Google. However, among them there are those who do not trust the " good corporation " or simply prefer alternatives. In the context of the realities of Russian popular provider of such services is the company " Yandex " interest which apply not only to search and mail , although most enjoyed by them.

A few days ago they introduced Android- app " Yandeks.Pereezd ", which allows consumers to transfer contacts from one smartphone to another.
Service " Yandeks.Pereezd " exists in "Yandex" for a long time , but just yesterday , the company placed an appropriate application in Google Play and own store .

The new program allows literally in a couple of clicks to save contacts with Android-powered devices in the cloud " Yandex.Disk ." User does not have to configure anything , just enter your account information "Yandex" .
To get the contacts on the new device , you need to install it on the client " Yandex.Disk " log in your account settings select "Transfer from phone to phone " and follow instructions.

After the procedure, copy the data from the "cloud" , the duration of which depends on the number of contacts , all data will be restored on the new smartphone.
" Yandeks.Perenos " for Android should be considered another step in the company to create its own ecosystem based on this OS . And although the staff " Yandex " while denying plans of the Russian search engine to produce its own smartphone in the future the situation may change . Yes, and some of the Russian - Chinese brands are already trying to abandon requiring royalties Google services in favor of a domestic competitor.
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