Release iOS 7 took place in September , and then followed by several interim updates . However, throughout this time Apple does not cease to complain of regular departures applications in recent versions of the mobile operating system .

Besides missions, users will also annoy periodic rebooting devices running iOS 7. According to data resource Mashable, in Apple actively working on a solution .
Immediately after the release of iOS 7 and up to date technical support forum Apple never ceases to fill with complaints of crashing applications, as well as periodic restart of the home screen , and the device itself. Judging by the number of posts , the problem is a very common and serious nature , so Apple could not help noticing her .
As the representative of Apple in an interview with journalist resource Mashable, the company is working on a solution . Apple engineers are looking for the cause of missions applications and sudden reboots devices running iOS 7.
It is important to note that even the fourth beta version of iOS 7.1 has not yet solved the problem of users. In particular, problems remained in the 32-bit applications on the devices , which include a 64- bit processor A7 . However, Apple's not lose hope to present the problem together with the final version of the update for the mobile operating system . Its output is expected in March .
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