For the average consumer in the number of major products Google, of course, includes Android mobile operating system and browser Chrome.

Also based on the latest released OS devices which show a good sale in the United States , but in our case it is not very popular. However, in and of itself does close to the OS provides opportunities through independent web applications. A few days ago Google announced that Chrome Apps can be developed and a mobile version of Google Chrome.
Chrome Apps - applications for Chrome, written in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and executable browser. In September 2013 Google greatly improved this system by adding new features. Among them work in offline mode , start right from the desktop ( only in some OS ) , a simple API for working with Googe Drive, USB- device support and much more. Unfortunately, all of this, however , as are Chrome Apps, you can run only on the "big" OS.
But yesterday, Google blog project Chromium, which is the basis for Chrome, spoke about the possibility of transferring Web applications on mobile systems , where present their browser : Android and iOS. The search giant also updated development tools , now allows you to use the framework Apache Cordova ( also known as PhoneGap) make program Chrome App for Android or iOS. Specifically for transfer to smartphones also added a new API ( currently only for Android), making it possible to apply to the application of such a system and mechanisms shopping alerts.
Of course , Chrome Apps will not look completely natural on Android, which is somewhat at odds with the desires of the mobile OS developers . However, this situation is absolutely normal for a huge corporation , where there are a large number of disparate projects that management sometimes tries to combine .
It is unlikely that we will see many Chrome Apps in Google Play, especially in its top. Much more interesting would look like the ability to run applications in the Android- Chrome, but any plans to work on Google this is unknown.
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