Today, the legendary computer Apple - Macintosh - it will be exactly 30 years. Exactly so many years ago, he was officially presented for many years to become the hallmark of Apple and realize that allowing dozens of projects that led the company to create iPhone and iPad.

To mark this date , three company executives were interviewed major theme magazine about Apple, in which , among other things , touched on a very interesting subject - the prospect of merging iOS and OS X into a single operating system.
On the occasion , the editors of Macworld lucky person - and at the same time , communicate with the vice president of Apple's marketing Phil Schiller , vice president of software Craig Federighi and vice president of software technology Bud Tribble , who was a member of the team that created thirty years ago the very first Mac.
Interview volume , and if you are familiar with English , we recommend to read the whole thing.
The most interesting point - the argument Craig Federighi and Phil Schiller , trampled rumors about the likelihood of a full merger of iOS and OS X in one operating system or platform .
We do not lose time , thinking , saying , " there must be only one interface ," or " How could we combine these operating systems with each other? " It would be such a waste of energy !
- Phil Schiller
According to him, while Apple is trying to make iOS users can easily understand the similar tools Mac, and vice versa. For example , the names of programs for messaging and built-in calendar - until recently, iChat and iCal - the latest versions of OS X made relevant to those on iOS - « Messages " and " Calendar ."
Say that iOS and OS X should be the same , regardless of their destination? Merging only for mergers ? It is never the goal . You would not want to cease to be a Mac as a good Mac, because someone had planned to turn it into iOS. And at the same time, you do not want to feel that iOS was created by one company , and Mac - the other , and their differences resulted from the lack of a common goal. We have one sense of aesthetics , a set of principles that drive us, and we create the best products, which can only designed to meet specific needs. So for you , they look the same wherever it makes sense, and work differently in that critical to their essence .
- Craig Federighi
Craig Federighi noted that iOS and OS X will not be a single platform without a serious reason. After more than 30 years, Mac works fine with mouse and keyboard. If combining a touch screen with a keyboard or PC with the tablet , eventually get enough thoughtful and convenient device . I wonder if enough serious cause output 12 -inch iPad?
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