My first acquaintance with SSD occurred in 2010, when a long time served faithfully 13 -inch MacBook Pro was replaced by newfangled 11.6-inch MacBook Air.

Yes, the one that preceded the active promotion of ultrabooks and non- optical drives in laptops . He also brought a wave of clones , forcing competitors to beat my head against the wall trying to develop a similar set of characteristics for the solution .

Able , but only after a couple of years , but only Apple also is not in place , firing a perfect , in my humble opinion, the laptop Retina MacBook Pro 13 " . But back to the SSD. SSD managed at times to increase productivity of the laptop , and even against the weak year-old MacBook Pro newbie ( 1.3 - gigahertz low-voltage Core 2 Duo in the Air significantly inferior in performance , even in high-grade analog Pro models of the previous generation ) showed speed wonders for your daily work with OS. Applications run in literally no time , the system was flying , everything was fine , except for one - SSD is much more expensive than the traditional mechanical hard drive, and accustomed to store hundreds of gigabytes of information computer users had to temper the appetite and bring order to the personal files . That's just not always possible to give up this or that content , and in this case will help the external drive . Mac can work with any device of this kind, but it's nice when an accessory is created specifically for technology Apple. My Passport for Mac from WD just out of this series and I'll tell you about it in this article.
Silver , but not metal
WD experts have tried to create a product adapted to the maximum device Apple, and it's not just about functionality but also about design. Actually, this is not the first experience of the company in the production of accessories for the Mac. Suffice it to recall products such as My Book Studio and My Passport Studio. The shape resembles the last novelty : convex upper and lower panel , corners rounded under so-called "magic radius" , and black and silver color scheme . Although in this case, silver is more than black .
It seems that the drive is hidden in a metal case , but in fact it is of high quality plastic with painted aluminum . Although only a silver top and bottom panels , side face - black . I like this solution , accessory looks similar in style to the MacBook, but it has its own original design, which exploits the WD portable external drives for years .
Some extra holes , decorative items or buttons on the My Passport for Mac is not. There is only a connector Micro-USB 3.0 with power circuit - he just wider than the standard port :

By using this connector is no need of an external power supply or use two ports simultaneously in a laptop or PC (formerly external drives are often equipped with special cable plugs with two full-size USB - one of them just used for food storage ) . It should also be noted that the USB 3.0 port provides 900 mA 500 mA against at USB 2.0, so that the effective work of the drive you should not worry , and situations where it can not be determined whether or not to start due to lack of energy , does not arise.
Regarding the dimensions , the My Passport for Mac can easily fit in your pocket and do not take up much space in your bag . For its size it slightly exceeds the iPhone 5/5s and weighs only 150 grams :

I should add that the thickness of the drive capacity of 1 TB is 15 mm, while twice higher capacity model 6 mm thick :

In this paper,
My Passport for Mac is equipped with interface USB 3.0, which means an impressive speed. In fact, the device operates with the greatest possible mechanical hard drive performance when the data rate is 90-100 MB / s . For comparison , with about the same speed and the built- in operating MacBook Pro ( conventional models , are not Retina) drive. That is, if you want you can make an exact copy of the built- in Mac hard drive or SSD through the " Disk Utility " and connecting the My Passport for Mac to another computer Apple, upload your work space with an external drive . At the same speed of the system will be a very good level. In the past I conducted a similar experiment with a USB 2.0 drive , but performance was uncomfortable . Now there are no problems .
Importantly , considered accessory literally " out of the box " in the file system is formatted Mac OS Extended ( formerly known as HFS Extended). That is, without much fuss as possible to make an exact copy of the system , which I mentioned above, and to work with Time Machine, automatically creating backups of personal data. Of course, nothing prevents reformat the drive in any other file system , whether it is NTFS, exFat etc.

If your computer does not support USB 3.0, it does not matter. Backward compatible standard and My Passport for Mac works without problems with USB 2.0. Is that the data rate is about one third of the maximum and below will be about 30 MB / s .
Still, when the drive operates at full speed , to work with it much more pleasant . DVD- rips " filled " for 15-20 seconds , updating backups done quickly, copying music tracks and photos - even seconds . When this device works silently , no noise , no buzzing and vibrating. His active status indicator indicates a near invisible USB- port.
1TB is enough for most users , both for backups Time Machine, and for additional content. If you want all of your carry, then your choice - the flagship of 2 TB of disk space. It can throw and a dozen TV series , and dozens of films and archive desktop software, and all the personal photos and favorite music collection on hundreds of hours of playing time . Also it is possible to use the gadget to work with large video files in Final Cut or iMovie. Amateur video editing My Passport for Mac USB 3.0 mode quite drawn .
To work with the drive does not need any additional software , but still has a complete proprietary utility WD Drive Utilities, providing access to some additional features . Thus, the program allows you to quickly check the status of the hard drive via SMART, perform comprehensive diagnostics, set the timer to automatically turn off in idle mode , format or register gadget tech support WD.
To summarize
External drive for the user Mac - is a very important accessory that I recommend to buy everyone. First, you'll always have a backup copy of the personal data. And the booking process happens automatically through Time Machine, and it's not about saving files banal . In backup stored all your workspace with applications , documents and settings. Suddenly something happens to your computer - all happens in life - in this case, you can always easily and without much fuss to restore the system to any other Mac in the form in which it was on your computer. The same applies to relocate to another Mac.
My Passport for Mac is due to high volume will not only create and store backups , but also eliminates a small amount of built- in modern Mac SSD. Of course, you can order a custom configuration with a 768 -gigabyte or terabyte SSD, but this costs money too . Cheaper and more profitable to buy an external drive , especially thanks to the support USB 3.0 speed of the hero angle comfortable for any task .
Accessory quiet at work is not heated and it's reliable . At least , the personal universal model My Passport ( different color design and comes formatted in NTFS) serves faithfully for the second year .
Suggested retail price terabyte model My Passport for Mac is 3000 rubles. , 2- terabyte - 4500 rubles.
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