In August 2011, Google announced the acquisition of Motorola Mobility for $ 12.5 billion.

By this time, the American phone maker has lost power and actually withdraw from all markets , except for the native . Google promised that will not give preference to its acquisition, and really stuck to this line. And yesterday it was announced that the search giant Motorola has sold a Chinese corporation Lenovo.
It's no secret that patents have become the main reason of the acquisition of one of the pioneers of mobile communication by Google. The search giant wanted to build a defense alliance against Rockstar, managed Microsoft, Apple, RIM and Sony. For a couple of years before they got a big package of patents from Nortel, another company , stood at the origins of the mobile market , which is open going to put pressure on Android- producers.
The main issue on the deal between Google and Motorola was the purchase price . After all, the American manufacturer of Patent Portfolio assessed only $ 5.5 billion - " good corporation " clearly overpaid . However, Google almost immediately after purchase Motorola saved her from unnecessary " Zhirkov " selling takes the set-top unit Home.
Yesterday's news about the beginning of the process of selling a major Chinese corporation Motorola Lenovo fell like snow on the head . The deal amounted to $ 2.91 billion. She just looks ridiculous against the background of that a few years ago, Google gave themselves an American manufacturer , even taking into account subsequent sale Home. However, at first glance , because Motorola Mobility is not fully transmitted Lenovo - almost all the patents remain in " good corporation " (except for the 2000 design ) , the Chinese get only the right to use them for 10 years. In addition, Google move some departments of development and research, such as the one that works on a modular phone Ara.
The result is a good deal - Google get rid of a company that , despite once again raised public interest and failed to become profitable, leave at all its patents and interesting projects . And for this acquisition Lenovo important - they get famous brand in the U.S. and a good team of real professionals. Perhaps the Chinese will even be able to increase the share of the U.S. market and tighten the overall quality of products.
In October last year, there is information on the possible acquisition of the Chinese HTC Lenovo. It seems that those looking for a brand with a good rating in the U.S. and as an option might well consider and Taiwanese. But we can assume that CEOs could not agree on some issues and the choice fell on Motorola.
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