In 2011, at the presentation of iPad 2 Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs) made his famous announcement that we now live in PostPC- era.

Not everyone agrees with our departed founder and former CEO Apple and his idea that the PC is now required only for specific tasks to professionals , but in the past years, there was really crazy boom tablets. But according to studies, a period of explosive growth in sales of " tablets " came to an end .
Firm IDC released a study of the global tablet market in the fourth quarter of 2013.

Leader it is still iPad from Apple, various modifications which have a share in 33.8% . I wonder what she was somewhat lower compared with the same period in 2012 , while sales rose to 26 million units ( + 13.5%) .
The second largest producer of tablets occupy Samsung, that expected. Indicator of their growth assessment shipments in the fourth quarter of 2012 and the 2013th was 85.9 %. During the period of the last year the Koreans were able to put on the market of 14.5 million units .
In third place is the company Amazon, shipment which fell 1.7 %. Last year, online shop presented not very expressive product , and impact orientation to a highly restricted number of regions . The next place to chart settled ASUS, who were able to put in the fourth quarter of 2013 to 3.4 million tablets ( + 25.8 % compared with the same period of 2012 ) and to retain a share of 5.1 %.
Trailing the list of leaders Lenovo tablet shipments could increase from 0.8 million units to 3.4 million ( +325 %). Thus they have increased and their own presence in the market , " biting " him 4.4%. Analysts say that the growth of Chinese brand is associated with the peak of popularity of the " pill " in countries where people are used to save on electronics. This also accounts for almost a third ( 30.3% ) of the market in the line " Other ."
Total for the last quarter was delivered 76.9 million tablet PC growth rate was 28.2% . This is a very small value , because when compared to the same periods in 2012 and 2011 it amounted to 87.1 % ! IDC wrote that the main driver for the tablet were developed countries - an increase of their sales in China and India does not cover loss of interest in the U.S. and Europe.
The market was an interesting situation - decreased sales growth of almost all consumer "smart" electronics. If the segments of smartphones and tablets still bearable situation , the position of notebook PCs and classic looks to extinction. It seems the world really come to an era PostPC, only here and plates in it quickly lose interest from buyers .
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