Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Apple is thinking about starting potokovgo TV service

Despite the obvious dislike Steve Jobs Television , after the death 

of the company founder , Apple plans to remove the taboo on the industry, which is booming since the 40s of the last century . It comes to television .

So , Apple is negotiating with the provider Comcast, is the largest representative of the media industry not only in the United States, but worldwide. In particular , Apple raised the possibility of introducing the topic of television as streaming live and on-demand . 
As an additional service , users will be able to view videos posted in the "cloud ."

Currently, negotiations are conducted only at the initial stage and both companies may be faced with a number of technological difficulties and documentaries . Apple , first of all, interested in the possibility of internet traffic separation from the TV , with the need to use compulsory consoles Apple TV. But Apple TV is a very serious competition in the form of Google and Roku.
A month ago, the company Netflix has agreed to a deal with Comcast Corp in order to obtain high-speed data streaming and the ability to further enhance . It is likely that the next in line would be Apple.

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