Not so long ago, iTunes Radio recognized third most popular
streaming music service in the United States . Strictly speaking , geography prevalence iTunes Radio is very limited , so such an achievement can be considered very significant. However, Apple is going to build on the success : the company plans to not only the emergence of new countries , where it will be available iTunes Radio, but also the selection of music service in a separate application in iOS 8.
iTunes Radio was launched in September in conjunction with the release of iOS 7. Streaming music service available to users of Apple's Mac, PC, and mobile devices Apple, running the current version of the software , and Apple TV. iTunes Radio from the moment of launch is part of the standard Music app in iOS, and computers available from iTunes. According to rumors, Apple's going to rectify the current situation.
Isolation iTunes Radio in a separate application will give Apple an extremely important advantage in the struggle with other streaming music service . First, it will be available directly from the home screen , such as customers or Pandora Spotify. Secondly , this application will be preinstalled . Thus, users immediately after purchase devices running iOS will have access to all features of iTunes Radio without having to download competing solutions , or at least be able to experience the capabilities of the service from Apple, before turning to peers in the App Store.
If this application really will be composed of 8 iOS , its interface is likely to remain very similar to the music player . We should expect to see some small but useful features that are actively used by competitors. As the division of the player and music service will make iTunes Radio even more attractive platform for advertisers. In other words , although the allocation of iTunes Radio in stand-alone application is still a rumor , this step is extremely tempting to Apple.
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