Sunday, March 16, 2014

A custom launcher on the Android gaining popularity

Today in Google Play can find more than 4,500 different applications - launcher . However, their number continues to grow. 

Those interested specialists from Flurry and decided to gather some statistics . It turned out that in the first quarter of 2014 Android users use a custom launcher from third-party manufacturers to three times more intense than in the entire 2013 . And with the first quarter of this year has not even ended - front half of March .
At the same time , if you look globally , the figure of those who chose Customise launcher is not so great - a total of 30 million users. But the total number of Android users have more than one billion . But here, an increase in those who want to customize their system and receive personalized content in the system.

Now almost all the big IT players got their own shells for Android. Google Now Launcher, Firefox Launcher, Facebook Home, Yahoo's Aviate, even Nokia introduced something into the first smartphone on Android. While demand remains and old men , for example , Go Launcher EX, or Apex / Nova Launcher.

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