Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Apple iSaber is the Star Wars VII Weapon, if Jony Ive Designed It

Designer Martin Hajek has made a

Apple iSaber is the Star Wars VII Weapon, if Jony Ive Designed It

 habit of creating very nice and detailed Apple concepts, not necessarily handsets. Every once in a while we stop and analyze such devices, an example being the Apple iSaber below.
The idea goes like this: what if Jony Ive gave J.J. Abrams input on the lightsaber design for Star Wars VII? Well, the result was envisioned by Martin Hajek and shown in the renders below.
Apple iSaber is the Star Wars VII Weapon, if Jony Ive Designed It

Apple iSaber is the Star Wars VII Weapon, if Jony Ive Designed It

Apple iSaber is the Star Wars VII Weapon, if Jony Ive Designed It

Apple iSaber is the Star Wars VII Weapon, if Jony Ive Designed It

Apple iSaber is the Star Wars VII Weapon, if Jony Ive Designed It

Apple iSaber is the Star Wars VII Weapon, if Jony Ive Designed It

Apple iSaber is the Star Wars VII Weapon, if Jony Ive Designed It

Apple iSaber is the Star Wars VII Weapon, if Jony Ive Designed It

Apple iSaber is the Star Wars VII Weapon, if Jony Ive Designed It
First of all, there’s a lanyard in the mix and this is an “elegant weapon” with an aluminum finish, that feels like the one of a MacBook, iPhone or iPad.
The iSaber features a fingerprint scanner/Home button, a cylindrical design and a touchscreen area, with “notifications”, a slider for the… laser power I guess and several other settings and options. The Apple logo glitters and it’s pretty hard to describe this sci fi device. Obviously, someone who’s on 9gag and Reddit all day long may easily mock this up into a sex toy… let me know if you do!

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