Sunday, February 28, 2016

BlackBerry Droid is Basically a Reinvented Motorola Milestone

We all know that BlackBerry isn’t content with only one or two Android phones, so they’ll probably launch a few more before keeling. Designer Pierre Cerveau was commissioned by CNET to envision 

BlackBerry Droid concept 1

such a device and that’s exactly what he did with the render below.
BlackBerry Droid concept 2

BlackBerry Droid concept 3

BlackBerry Droid concept 4

BlackBerry Droid concept 5
The device is simply called BlackBerry Droid and it’s a sort of Motorola Milestone-inspired slider. Interestingly, the device is branded Verizon Wireless, as you can see. The screen has dual curved edges, quite a wide screen and format and a sliding QWERTY keyboard that feels more like a touch keyboard, than a physical one.
An interesting aspect is that aside from the top and bottom speaker, there are also what appear to be extra speakers next to the camera. Those lines at the back also remind me of that Motorola phone with a kevlar casing, somehow. This does look like a solid handset and I expect the camera to be overkill, resolution-wise, like the Priv.

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